Jyros, the tool that allows you to measure your company's environmental impact

JYROS is a world first: an environmental footprint calculator created by and for companies in the video game industry. JYROS enables you to calculate the entire carbon footprint of your company (studio, publisher, etc.), from the impact of your premises to that of your games, including your IT equipment. On top of this, JYROS also lets you estimate your company’s impact on other environmental criteria (impact on water and mining resources in particular), making it the most comprehensive calculator available to date for the video game industry.

End of Lines – © Nova-box

A tool developed by video game companies for the video game industry

In order to create the most accurate and scientifically robust tool possible, its creation was subcontracted to I Care, for its expertise in GHG emissions assessments and life cycle analyses. Having already collaborated with ADEME (the French Agency for Ecological Transition) on a study about the impact of digital technologies in culture, I Care was the ideal candidate to tackle this project. To support I Care and ensure that JYROS would be as comprehensive, representative and user-friendly as possible, companies within the industry were enlisted to support this project.. 27 companies from all over France, representing the diversity of the industry, responded to the invitation to test JYROS and participate to its improvement.

News Jyros :

important information

Eco-Conditionality of CNC Funding

Starting March 1, 2025, all new applications for production funding for video game and animation projects will require a preliminary environmental footprint assessment.


Jyros is now a member of the SGA

Jyros is now a member of the Sustainable Games Alliance (SGA), a network committed to a more sustainable video game industry.

They're talking about us.

Europe 1

Chaque matin, Jean Zeid livre ce qu’il se fait de mieux en matière d'innovation. Ce mercredi, il revient sur Jyros...

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Sud Ouest

Jyros, un nouvel outil accessible gratuitement à tous les studios, permettra de récolter des millions de données pour chiffrer...

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Après plusieurs mois de conception, le calculateur environnemental destiné à l’industrie du jeu vidéo a été présenté par...

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Greening the Game Industry

The French games consortium have been working hard on their sustainability tool...

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ABC News

How French indie studios are tackling the problem. Mélanie Christin is a game developer from Lille, France, working on...

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France 2

Numérique :
Les studios d'animation et de jeux vidéo se mettent au vert.

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Le Monde

Cet outil, baptisé « Jyros », doit permettre aux studios d’établir le bilan des émissions liées à leurs activités...

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Discover the Jyros calculation tool

formez vos étudiants à la transition écologique !

JYROS: how does it work?

JYROS enables you to easily enter all the data related to your business (energy consumption, business travel, hardware purchases, etc.) and the games you develop (file size, length, platforms, etc.) and then calculates the environmental impact of the various expenditure and production items. The results are presented in charts, with varying degrees of detail depending on your choices, allowing you to target your actions to reduce your impact.

Dolphin Spirit – ©2023 Microids SA. All rights reserved. Developed by Magic Pockets and published by Microids SA. All rights reserved.

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Discover our training courses

Draw up your environmental balance sheet with Jyros

Discover our training sessions dedicated to video game professionals, designed to help you learn how to measure your company’s environmental impact using the Jyros tool. These sessions are led by Geoffrey Marmonier, CSR Project Manager for the Consortium National du Jeu Vidéo pour l’environnement.

Jyros training courses are offered in Lyon and Paris by Bertie, the training center for video game and animation professionals.

Train and support your
students in the ecological transition

We also offer training courses specially designed for schools and training organizations, with the aim of introducing students to the fundamentals of the ecological transition. Led by Geoffrey Marmonier, our interventions include:

Workshops on the basics of ecological transition, to raise students’ awareness of current and future environmental issues.

Climate Fresco sessions, a fun, participatory approach to understanding the challenges of climate change and exploring solutions.

Practical carbon balance cases, where students will learn to use the Jyros measurement tool to assess the environmental impact of concrete projects.

The steering committee

Geoffrey Marmonier

CSR Project Manager


Mathilde Yagoubi

Managing Director


Mélanie Christin



Pierre Forest

VP Digital Sobriety


Louis-Raphaël Malbois

Project Manager


Vanessa Kaplan

Director of Operations


Romain Lenoir

Deputy manager


Hélène Delay

Managing Director


Jyros Contacts

Do you have questions about the eco-conditionality of grants or how to use the Jyros tool?
Your regional contacts are here to help!

Louis Raphael Mablois


Mathias Gimeno



Elodie Dorso


Alexandre Lefebvre


Dimitri Cochez


Romain Lenoir


Valentin Alfano


Marie-Charlotte Ynesta


Alice Ourliac


François Cubaynes


An initiative of the National Consortium for video games for the environment

The National Consortium of video games for the environment is a collaboration between several French professional bodies: regional clusters and associations as well as the Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo (SNJV) and the Syndicat des Editeurs de Logiciels de Loisirs (SELL). The main goal of this project is to kickstart the environmental transition of the French video game industry. JYROS is the first stage in this project.

This operation is supported by the French government as part of the “Supporting green alternatives in culture” initiative in the cultural and creative industries (CCI) sector of France 2030, operated by Caisse des Dépôts.

Alba : A Wildlife Adventure – © Ustwo Games – Plug In Digital

The National Video Game Consortium


Here are comments from some of the video game companies involved in the creation of JYROS.

Gameleon Studio

Aurélie Marion - Co-Founder

As a small company, it was obvious for Gameleon to be one of the pilot studios to join in the development of an innovative tool dedicated to our field. Today, environmental issues are crucial for all companies, whether they are small or very large. As a major industry, the video game industry shows here a prime example of its determination to take action for the future. Being able to measure our carbon impact allows us to evolve according to tangible and measurable data. This is all the more essential not only in terms of sustainable development, but also in terms of attractiveness, in order to attract and retain increasingly demanding employees with high expectations for meaningful projects and a solid CSR policy.

Old Skull Games

Guillaume Magnies - CFO

The collective commitment to sustainability was the driving force behind the consortium and convinced us of the project's dynamic. Jyros embodies a vision of a more environmentally friendly video games industry.

Thanks to Jyros, we now have the ability to accurately and comprehensively assess the carbon footprint of our studios and each game we develop.
One of the most rewarding aspects of Jyros is its free accessibility.
We are convinced that to drive significant change, we need to make this tool accessible to all studios, regardless of their size or resources.
We are proud to contribute to the development of a Cultural Industry where consideration of environmental impact is essential to forging a more responsible industry that respects the planet.

Asobo Studio

Gregory Carreau - COO

Asobo Studio is grateful and proud to have had the opportunity to contribute to the development of Jyros alongside Game Only, the Consortium and the other pilot studios.

It's an essential initiative with a collective approach that gives the entire video games industry a tailor-made tool to take very concrete action towards greater eco-responsibility.

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We would like to warmly thank the 27 pilot studios that contributed to the creation of this unique tool in Europe: Ludogram, Ankama, Ishtar Games, Activdesign, Endroad, Casus Ludi, Gamesplanet, Apperture, Seed By Seed, Shiro Games, Asobo Studio, Nova-Box, The Game Bakers, SplashTeam, Digixart, Atlas V, Albyon, The Tiny Digital Factory, Gameleon Studio, Artefacts Studio, Old Skull Games, Goblinz Studio, Amplitude, Virtuos, Oh Bibi, Douze Dixièmes, Dotemu and Spiders.

Thanks to the members of the Steering Committee (Pierre Forest, Mélanie Christin, Jim Gaudin, Vanessa Kaplan, Louis-Raphaël Malbois, Hélène Delay, Romain Lenoir, Mathilde Yagoubi and Geoffrey Marmonier) for their commitment, skills and time. We would also like to thank Gamestream and Gamesplanet for sharing their data.

Finally, we would like to thank all the members of the Technical Committee and, more generally, all the people who shared their skills to help implement this project, in particular Frédérique Cauvin-Doumic, Guillaume Le Bris, Jade Descourtieux, Nicolas Hunsinger, Benjamin Niang and Benjamin Seignovert.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the Ministry of Culture, the Banque des Territoires and the Secrétariat général pour l’investissement for their ongoing support, as well as to our invaluable partners, the Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC), the DREETS and ADEME.


Computer development

An environmental strategy consultancy, they have been helping businesses, financial institutions and public organisations to make the transition to a low environmental impact society since 2008.

Graphic design and web development
Bleu Matin

Bleu Matin is a digital applications design and development studio founded by Pascal Besson and Florian Ferbach. As a committed cooperative concerned about its impact, it works with its partners on projects with positive social and environmental impact.